

What is God's commandment from the book of Genesis

Most people keep?

Be fruitful, multiply, replenish and fill the earth.

We are 7 billion strong!

New Title

After reading about a Black female Tecky Chaplain on Wikipedia, I have decided upon a new title for myself. I am a
“Tecky Techno Urban Missionary Chaplain”

God's People (Kirk Franklin)

GP's perish for they don't lookup the meanings of KJV words in a Strongs or Youngs concordance, for they are without excuse.

All the KJV study helps are available for download free with Bible software programs.

Word Studies

From: the Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary, a free KJV Bible download.

Hebrew Strong's Number: 3577
from (kazab); falsehood; literal (untruth) or
figurative (idol) :- deceitful, false, leasing, + liar, lie, lying.

4:2 (KJV)
O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? how longwill ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Selah.

5:6 (KJV)
Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man.

Greek Strong's Number: 3149
from the base of (massaomai); a (properly a female breast)

Luke 11:27-28 (KJV)
And it came to pass, as he spake, a certain woman of the company said unto Jesus, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps (properly female breast) which thou hast sucked…

Oh Give Thanks unto the LORD for He is good

The LORD is my Shepherd. I shall not want for He lay me down in green pastures. The grass is not greener on the other side.

Though I walk under the shadow of death He prepares meals for me in the midst of my enemies. His rod and His staff comfort me and protect me. Thank you LORD.

The KJV Bible has been banned because of too much weeping and gnashing of teeth.


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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Moral Relativism

Moral Relativism

Moral relativism is not new concept, even though it is now the rule rather than the exception in colleges and universities today. It began when man decided that their own belief systems were greater than Gods. They denied the God given reality and came up with reality they preferred according to their desires. Now everyone has a reality of their own, hence moral relativism. Hey, it is all relative! It is all good! Out with the bad in with the good!

Man began creating their own gods of earthly materials, in their own likeness or those of animals. They felt it was morally acceptable to worship who they chose and as they wanted.

Now we have all faith’s services. There people believe they can reconcile their belief differences. That every belief system can worship together. That they all can be included in one service in spite of their differences or the gods they worship by not considering the differences. It is kind of like mixing all the wrong ingredients together and calling the results a cake!

They have made a religion of free choice with no absolutes, and hold religious activities. They believe they have resolved their obvious differences by ignoring them or accepting them.

This reminds me of a philosophy of the 70’s, “I’m okay and you’re okay.” This is not okay with God. They are not worshiping him alone. With this as their philosophical premise they can worship different gods without any contention.

Each is allowed to express their beliefs at the same podium, in the same forum and disagree, with one exception, you can't be a Christian. They say to be Christian's are too narrow minded. There has to be more than one god because that would exclude all of them their religions.

So not only do we have all the wrong ingredients mixed together but the main ingredient is intentionally left out, the BAM! And they still want to call the result a cake. Let me make it plain, they want to call their services Church but they leave out Christ and the Church!

That is an oxymoron for none of them believe the same. Each is narrow in their beliefs for they have to leave out so much of what God has to say in his word the Bible. And each of them condemns the other just by the fact they don't truly agree with each other. They just agree to not agree, and they agree to not discuss their disagreements, so they can combine their religious services to include as many dissimilar people as they possibly can. Are their combined forces a frontal attack or defense against the Church of Jesus Christ?

To be honest, I don't know how they can hold services together, and not say anything about their differences, especially without questioning anything including their motives. Why have they decided to suddenly hold services together? That would bother’s me.

Well, the Bible says that God haters would rather believe a lie than the truth. And that God even sent them a strong delusion so they would believe a lie, much like He hardened Pharaoh’s already hard heart. See how important it is to read not only study Bible prophecy but the entire Bible?

I attended an outdoor gospel festival where an all faiths singing group was allowed to perform. It irritated me when someone announced, "Now we are going to sing a song for the Christians." I thought, “What’s up with that?” As if they had the right spirit to do so that would be pleasing to our jealous God! You must be born again! The one who said don’t worship other gods before me!” Was God second, third, fourth on their list to worship? And I thought, “Oh, was God an after thought? Are they going to attempt to sing a song for each religion represented there?”

They did not announce any others. Why did they single out the Christian faith? A couple of their representatives then came and laid on the grass in front of us a lady friend and I. Boy, even Sodom was represented. What faith did they represent? There faith in Satan?

As I sat elsewhere listening to a Praise and Worship CD with my headphones on, a few of the all faith’s people came nearby as if drawn, and wondered what spirit they came in. And I thanked the LORD that he said if I be lifted up I will draw all men, women, and children unto me. The Bible says to be strong and to be bold for the LORD our God is with thee.

We used to sing we are to go into the enemy’s camp and take back what he stole. I’m about redeeming stolen souls the ones that won’t go, or can’t go into the right buildings. And the LORD does add daily unto the church, such as should be saved.

They each exclude or nullify the others belief systems by their doctrines. But that is OK with them as long as no one identifies the differences as being problematic. So called Christians are allowed to speak if the word of God expressed does not condemn or convict them and they are also accepting of the differences. There are lots of ways to misinterpret the Bible intentionally.

The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword and it hurts when spoken, written or even thought about. They can not stand in its presence. They claim to be broadminded but actually they are so narrow minded they wont included Christian thoughts in any form or fashion for this reason.

The form of religion they practice is called moral relativism, the belief that your religion is true and my religion is true even though they are in opposition to each other. They really don’t believe that anything is true or absolute truth.

They are so narrow minded that they feel they must remove any symbols of Christianity that have existed since the foundation of this nation and they deny that Christianity had any influence in the foundation or development of this country. This statement alone should convince you just how confused they are!

The Declaration of Independence was written by people of Christian faith who represented the original 13 states. These people were dissenters from the current government and wanted to form one of their own. The Declaration of Independence states that the 13 original states unanimously agreed that they were all created by a Creator, God. You only have to read the first page to find this out.

Why doesn't anyone quote from it as their proof text that America was founded as a Christian nation breaking free from a Nation (England) that had no separation of Church and state like Islam. There still is no separation of Church and state in England today! Why do they claim that America has no separation of Church and state? They lie and the truth is not in them. They are trying to foster a religion or a belief ignoring the facts. They have many supporters including the media who support their lies.

The institution of slavery was taught as being supported by Bible verses. Today, the institution of employment is taught as being supported by the same Bible verses in Church. It is taught we are to serve our employers like our masters I’ve heard preached. And then and even now, people seek comfort in Christian beliefs found in the Bible. Even those who were opposed to slavery sought comfort and answers in the Bible.

The Declaration of Independence states that men and women were created equal, and we were and continue to be. The Bible says that there is no Jew or Greek, man or woman, poor or rich, master or slave, or pigmentation. We are all equal in the sight of God.

However there are distinct differences. Paul asked the question, do we all speak in tongues, prophecy, heal? Are we all Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers? Are we all Gods children?

There is a difference in Gods eyes between his children and the children of the Devil. In the book of John, Jesus had a confrontation with some religious leaders, the Pharisees. They accused Jesus, the son of God, God in the flesh, of having a devil. Jesus in turn said they don’t know who he is because their father was the Devil. Who do you think was right? That is an important question and the dividing line between children of God and children of the Devil.

Moral relativists want to exclude Jesus feeling that Jesus has excluded them because he wants to influence them. He wants to change them. He wants to be their LORD and Savior. He wants their only God be in three persons, the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. He wants to make them born again. He wants them to become his relative.

Presently he is not their relative. Who knows what morals are anyway them or Gods? Does anyone really know what is moral is or has God decided? Does God reveal what moral is in his written word the Bible? Yes. But he does not reveal it to everyone who reads it. Unless he does you won’t get it. Everything of God must be revealed by God, even our salvation.

Jesus told Peter that no man convinced him that Jesus is LORD the son of God, God in the flesh. No man can. Only the father can. It was revealed to him by the God the father. And God the father chose not to reveal this to others. Peter heard others call Jesus everything else but the son of God. People today call Jesus everything else but the son of God.

Not everyone will receive or believe unto salvation, for not all people will enter into Gods pasture, and neither will they enter into everlasting life. But those who know His voice have been chosen in him before the foundation of the earth. That is what all faiths, atheists, agnostics, and other non-Christian religions don’t like.

That is why Christians are called “Too narrow minded.” They want to make it into heaven of their own accord and their own way. What’s God got to do with it? Everything! For God is LOVE, and everyone that loves knows God. If you don’t love Gods written word you don’t love God. You don’t know who He is. He is revealed in his written word the Bible. If you don’t love God you don’t love people. Jesus said all of the law can be summed up in these two commandments, love God and love people and that includes love yourself. That is not being narrow minded for Gods word says we are even to love our enemies.

Have you read how his people behaved in the Old Testament? Some would have stopped David and Bathsheba from committing adultery and murdering her husband before they got married. It was not possible for them to be aware that thousands of years later Jesus would be their descendant! In fact some people still condemn them and others today, having not this information revealed to them. No matter how many times they read and discuss it. They just can’t get it!

They had no way of knowing that Mary’s Joseph would come from King Solomon who was born of this union of David and Bathsheba! They had no way of knowing Joseph’s Mary would come from Nathan who was born of this union of David and Bathsheba! They had no way of knowing that their son Solomon would be chosen of God to build God’s temple on the sight he revealed to David his father.

There is no way we can possibly know all the pieces of Gods plans and how they fit together from our human vantage point. Our clocks run out of time too soon, we die. Boy, are we ever so smart! It is a good thing that God is in control, lives for eternity, and we don’t have the will, understanding, or ability to stop His program.

That is why he keeps many of us young minded, dumbfounded, and having fun. Some people think they have the free will to just do as they choose, and they have the free will do anything they want, and they can’t be convinced otherwise even by Scripture. It takes the Holy Spirits leading to guide them unto all truths.

They are like little children who are placed in a sandbox and allowed playtime. Except they don’t know they have been placed there and some of them are real old. And every once and a while, God tosses in new toys to play and keep them happy.

What is relativism anyway? Is it the act of making relatives? Is it becoming adopted? Is it to influence or disciple others? That would make them followers. And they would be followers of whom the primary relative is Jesus? Now that is divine moral relativism. 

Do they have a different theory of relativity? Obviously!
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